(2nd Floor - Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales)
From 20th May to 24th May 2024
Monday, 20 May 2024 - 9:30
Risk management using derivative strategies
In this lecture, we will discuss the characteristics and importance of derivatives in modern financial markets. We will then use practical examples to explore how derivatives can be used to manage interest rate, equity market and foreign exchange risks faced by lenders, borrowers, portfolio managers and businesses.
Greta Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė
Vilnius University
I am an associate professor and chief researcher with expertise in financial markets, financial stability, corporate, sustainable finance. Subjects taught include Financial markets, Technical and fundamental analysis of financial markets, Emerging markets, Derivatives (CFA), etc. I participate in scientific projects and am the author/co-author of more than 40 scientific publications; member of the committees of Finance and Banking master's and Economics and Finance bachelor study programs.
More info at: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8089-8866
Monday, 20 May 2024 - 11:00
Digital Transformation and Innovation in the EU: Situation before, during and after Pandemic.
The transformation of the economy into a digital environment has become a necessary step in recent years. The consequences of the COVID pandemic have accelerated the digital transformation and the growth of the digital economy. Intensive business engagement in the digital economy requires innovative digital solutions and online means of promotion and sale. European Union (EU) countries need to create the conditions for the gradual transformation. The lecture will explain the business readiness for the digital economy in EU countries. It aims to compare and assess the current situation of digital readiness based on the set of selected indicators. It also includes a multidimensional comparison of EU countries, classification based on cluster analysis, and ranking based on factor analysis results. I will compare the situation before and during the COVID-19 pandemic of digital transformation of companies in EU countries. The main focus will be on the usage of emerging technologies and their application into business models. The lecture could be also further focused on the EU innovation policy and its tools to support digital transformation.
Ján Hunady
Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia
Ján Huňady is an associate professor at the Faculty of Economics, Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia. He earned his PhD degree in public economics and services, followed by his habilitation in finance. His main research focus is on public finance, taxation, public policy, innovation and public attitudes towards emerging technologies. His expertise is also in econometrics, particularly in panel data analysis, survey data analysis, and time series analysis.
More info at: https://www.ef.umb.sk/jahunady/ ; https://www.linkedin.com/in/janhunady/
Monday, 20 May 2024 - 12:00
Multidimensional models in financial health prediction
Historically, various financial distress prediction models based on standard statistical learningmethods were constructed for Slovak enterprises. Usually, these models were created utilizingdifferent training datasets, covering different time periods, considering different sets ofpredictors and various definitions of financial distress. Consequently, it is difficult to select thebest model or group of models from such a heterogeneous family of models for adoption indecision-making processes in enterprises, having in mind convenience of their applicability inthe Slovak economic environment and possibility to rely on them in the future. One way howto overcome this problem and support overall adoption of financial distress prediction modelsis to offer an easily applicable model, or set of models, with satisfactory prediction abilityduring a prespecified period and regular updates via refitting of the models using the mostrecent data. In our contribution, we present an update of one such model with preselected set offive predictors inspired by the original Altman’s models and distress defined using financialindicators equity, earnings after tax and current ratio.
Maria Stachova
Matej Bel University, Faculty of Economics, Banska Bystrica
I am an assistant professor at the Faculty of Economics at Matej Bel University, lecturing mathematical and statistical subjects. My core research subjects are multidimensional statistical methods and datamining and their application in practical areas such as finance, banking, insurance and theoretical chemistry. I am the author and co-author of several scientific publications focusing on prediction models and clustering and their applications.
More info at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maria-stachova-bb8a86268/
Monday, 20 May 2024 - 14:30
Business Model Innovations
Migle Cernikovaite
Mykolas Romeris Univeristy, Vilnius, Lithuania
Since joining Mykolas Romeris University in 2009, Migle has had a professional career in marketing and strategic business management working for various private business companies in Lithuania. Since 2010 Migle is a researcher and teacher in the field of marketing communication and strategy, international business, business models. In 2016 defended PhD in Economics. Migle works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Public Administration and Business, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania.
More info at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Migle-Cernikovaite
Monday, 20 May 2024 - 15:30
The effect of circular economy principles on consumer behavior
In a world of increasing pollution, population growth and consumption, and the resulting depletion of resources and biodiversity, there is a need to find alternatives to the linear economy. In a linear economy, waste is discarded and loses its value. The circular economy, on the other hand, differs from the linear economy in that materials in the circular economy go around in circles, meaning that waste becomes raw materials again. A successful transition to a circular economy would recycle most waste and eliminate the use of toxic and non-recyclable materials, thereby promoting environmental sustainability.
However, in order to implement the circular economy as soon as possible, it is important to understand both its advantages and disadvantages.
The European Commission has no doubts about the need for a smoothly functioning circular economy and is developing action plans to help realise the vision of a circular economy. As a result, sustainable businesses are increasingly receiving support from government structures and consumers. Meanwhile, consumers need to be educated about the circular economy, its benefits and the consequences of not following its principles.
Zaneta Karazijiene
Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania
Žaneta Karazijienė, Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania Dr in Economics, is as associate professor at the Departemenet of Business and Economica, Faculty of Public Governance and Busiess. Her main research interests cover economy of regions, buiness logistics, and applied economics.
More info at: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zaneta-Karazijiene-2
Tuesday, 21 May 2024 - 8:30
Rules as a Necessary Part of Economic Thinking, Using the Example of Interest Groups and Lobbying
In addition to the efficiency of the market economy, many of the significant academic debates have been concerned with the ordering of the relationship between the market, its agents, and the government. Just as private actors in their contractual relationships have incentives to create information asymmetries to strengthen their monopoly position and maximize rent extraction, the government also faces information deficiencies or asymmetries when designing government policies and remedies. In this context, while lobbying is seen as a valuable source of expertise and contributor to the quality of non-market decision-making on economic issues, it can also be a source of information asymmetry. On the other hand, the government uses information asymmetries to its advantage; as a rule maker, it is not only under pressure from various interest groups but can also set or bend the rules to achieve its objectives when seeking re-election. Due to of the natural and fundamental attraction between the political and economic systems, lobbying regulation becomes an essential tool in shaping the interface between the political and economic systems.
Šárka Laboutková
Prague University of Economics and Business
I work as a full professor at the Department of Managerial Economics of the Faculty of Business at the Prague University of Economics and Business. I am a lecturer of the Applied Macroeconomics course at the master’s level. My research activity primarily focuses on the theory of the impact of non-economic factors on decision-making in public policy, lobbying, corruption, and institutional quality. I am also interested in non-financial measures in business, mainly according to the ESG schema.
More info at: linkedin.com/in/šárka-laboutková-861938265
Tuesday, 21 May 2024 - 9:30
Assessment of Spanish Macroeconomic Imbalances Development and Comparison with other EU Countries
The objective of this lecture is to analyse the development of Spanish macroeconomic imbalances in terms of the Macroeconomic Imbalances Procedure and their synchronization with other EU countries. From 2013 to 2022, the Spanish economy faced a greater number of macroeconomic imbalances, primarily due to persistently high indebtedness of the private and government sectors, as well as the Unemployment Rate Index and Nominal Unit Labour Cost, which exceeded the set MIP thresholds. From the perspective of external macroeconomic imbalances, the Spanish economy faces long-term losses in Export market share and Net international investment position. A cluster analysis, using the furthest neighbour method, demonstrated a high degree of synchronization of macroeconomic imbalances in Spain, Croatia, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Cyprus in 2014. In 2017, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, and Slovenia exhibited similar imbalances. In 2020, the last two countries displayed differences, resulting in a cluster of five countries. A high degree of synchronization of macroeconomic imbalances was demonstrated for Spain, Portugal, and Croatia throughout the period under review.
Pavla Bednářová
Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic
Assoc. Prof. Pavla Bednářová, Ph.D. is Head of the Department of Economics at the Technical University of Liberec in the Czech Republic. She is a lecturer of Macroeconomics course at master level, World economy and European integration courses. Her research interests include international economics, world economic developments and trends, and European economic integration. For a long time she has been engaged in research related to the analysis of macroeconomic imbalances in EU countries.
More info at: https://www.ef.tul.cz/en/86-pavla-bednarova
Tuesday, 21 May 2024 - 11:00
Role of Entrepreneur’s Personal Brand and Leadership in Family Business
Family businesses play a vital role in economic development, influencing employment, market dynamics, investment strategies, and educational initiatives globally. In the face of evolving business environments, this lecture explores the transformative journeys of family enterprises towards digitalization. It sheds light on the pivotal role of entrepreneur’s personal brand and leadership, illustrating how these factors shape the resilience and innovation of family businesses in an ever-changing digital landscape. Attendees will gain insights into concept of personal branding and business leadership to strengthen competitiveness, navigate digital challenges and ensuring the adaptability and success of family enterprises in the digital age.
Rastislav Zabojnik
University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
Dr. Rastislav Zabojnik holds a PhD. in Media Studies and Marketing Communication from the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava. His research focuses on management communication and personal branding in family businesses. He advocates for innovative educational methods, integrating AI models and hybrid education approaches. With numerous publications in national and international journals, he is also an author and editor of several books.
More info at: https://fmk.sk/profil/rastislav-zabojnik/
Tuesday, 21 May 2024 - 12:00
Global value chains: analysis and approaches
The lectures explore development of global value chains (GVCs) and their economic impact on countries, industries and firms. We will discuss characteristics of global value chains and their governance, global changes that affect global value chains and their transformation scenarios. During the lectures students get knowledge about global value chain design in different industries.
Jurgita Sekliuckiene
Kaunas University of Technology
Jurgita Sekliuckiene is Professor of International Business at School of Economics and Business, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania, and AACSB International Accreditation Project Manager. Her areas of expertise are business internationalization, international entrepreneurship, export strategies, market research and global value chains. She teaches International Business, Export Operations Management, International Business Management.
More info at: https://en.ktu.edu/scientist/jurgita.sekliuckiene/
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 - 8:30
Resent challenges for sustainable development of business by implementing contemporary information and communication technologies
Globalization, new issues of ICT and economic disparities between business in regions remain significant in the EU. Competitions require for business to innovate and create globally competitive products. How to implement new and innovative ICY for business processes and proceed more effective in e-commerce infrastructure. The new possibilities of business management systems (BMS), project management tools and e-commerce infrastructure are provided for creation of renovated projects for business re-engineering. Such means as smart services, data warehouses, BMS related with e-services and wireless technological tools will be discussed. Questions are discusses by taking understanding how to be a great in sustainable development of business and create more value. The possibilities of development of e-commerce infrastructure and e-business models such as B2B, B2C, C2C are reviewed. Some cases will be studied regarding such issues to share different points of view and get deeper understanding in development of e-business.
Dale Dzemydiene
Vilnius University
Dale Dzemydiene is full professor at the Institute of Regional Development of Šiauliai Academy of Vilnius University (Lithuania), PhD in informatics (1995), habilitation doctor degree in Social sciences of Management and Administration (2004), published 250 articles, 7 books, organizer of intern. conferences, member of Board of Lithuanian Computer Society, EU Assoc. of Artificial Intelligence, LitORS; interests; artificial intelligence, sustainable development of business.
More info at: https://www.sa.vu.lt/en/research-and-art/researcher-profiles/rpi-researchers/1339-professor-ph-d-dzemydiene-dale
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 - 9:30
Introduction to Climate Change Risk and its Financial Implications
This session will introduce the intricate subject of climate change risks and their financial implications. It will start with exploring the basic concepts and then move on to different risk types, such as physical, transition, and liability risks. The session will also emphasize the significant impact of climate risks on financial systems. By considering climate risks when making investment decisions, stakeholders can improve their resilience and minimize potential losses.
Ahmad Kaab Omeir
Vilnius University
Ahmad is a Junior Assistant Professor and Researcher at Vilnius University in Lithuania. His research focus is on Climate Risk Management in Banking, and he teaches subjects such as Management Accounting, Fundamental Tax Accounting, Corporate Budget Management for bachelor's programs, and Equity Investment for master's programs.
More info at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmad-kaab-omeir-1945b730/
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 - 11:00
Accounting for impacts: sustainability reporting and CSRD
Sustainability reporting is a key tool for managing uncertainty because it provides transparency, accountability and reliable information on companies' environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance. By disclosing relevant data and insights, sustainability reports enable stakeholders to make informed decisions, understand companies' environmental and social impacts, and assess their long-term sustainability strategies. This lecture is focused on the evolving landscape of corporate sustainability reporting and sustainability regulation – Corporate sustainability reporting Directive and European sustainability reporting standards.
Petya Petrova
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo
Petrova, Petya, PhD is an associate professor and a lecturer at the Department of Finaces and Accounting of the Faculty of Economics, “St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria. She has experience in accounting education. Her expertise is in Financial accounting. Financial Statement analysis, Sustainability accounting and reporting.
More info at: https://www.uni-vt.bg/eng/staffinfo.aspx?u=388&zid=52&ppage=990
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 - 12:00
ESG REPORTING WITHIN SUPPLY CHAINS: Case of international moving
The objective of the lecture is to discuss potential ways to distribute tasks, cost and credit for ESG reporting within the supply chain, with the case of international logistics. How does power influence CSR capabilities and ESG reporting within supply chains? Who is responsible for costs, solutions (tasks and reporting), and who eventually takes the credit? How is the transfer price set among related parties?
Methodology - Multiple case study on at least 6 lead firms and their supply chain within the moving and relocation industry.
The outcome would be a proposal for a business model, where supply chain members cooperate together on common goals and share the costs and benefits fairly to reach a win-win long-term cooperation. Special focus is paid to compliance monitoring and entry/exit of the suppliers into such a collaborative system.
Lead firms (especially in most advanced economies) continue to exert their power, whereas at the same time they delegate ESG requirements. In recent years the rhetoric has changed, however the action is lagging – especially when CSR objectives contradict with a successful profit margin, and that is most of the time.
Petr Prochazka
Prague University of Economics and Business
Petr Procházka, Ph.D. graduated at the University of Economics in Prague (International Economic Relations) and Charles University (Political and Regional Geography), with classes at the University of Sheffield and Universidad de Sevilla. His focus is CSR in logistics, global tax governance and employee relocation policies. He serves as ESG Specialist and Country Representative at Gosselin Group. His career is International Moving (9 years in CZ, ES and BE at various levels of the supply chain).
More info at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/prochazka-petr-pisek/ https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ccCMNNsAAAAJ&hl=cs
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 - 14:30
Making your business communication more effective
Drawing on the vast body of literature in the fields of business communication and languages for specific purposes, in the first part of my lecture I will outline the most distinctive features of business communication, focusing on three areas: the ‘quasi-specialist’/’hybrid’ nature of business communication, its ‘instrumental’/’transactional’ character, as well as the significance and implications of its social dimension. In the second part of my lecture, I will provide advice and suggestions on how to make your communication in business settings more effective and professional. We will look at some communicative strategies that can be applied in different contexts to enhance the effectiveness of various types of (written and spoken) messages aiming to – among others – inform, instruct, analyse, persuade, promote or negotiate, with a strong focus on intercultural awareness and competence.
Jolanta Łącka
University of Economics in Katowice
Jolanta Łącka is an Associate Professor at the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland, where she teaches Business Communication and English for Business Purposes. She holds a doctoral degree in linguistics, and two postgraduate diplomas: in Management and European Integration. She is head of the Foreign Language Centre at UE Katowice and an expert of the SERMO Accreditation Commission. Her research interests include business communication and teaching English for Business Purposes.
More info at: https://www.ue.katowice.pl/jednostki/cjo/struktura-organizacyjna.html, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jolanta-Lacka
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 - 15:30
‘Investment trends of Generation Z in the form of cryptocurrencies and NFT’
The content of the lecture will concern the attitude of the young generation to finance. Egoistic, narcissistic, demanding, irresponsible, with their heads in smartphones - Generation Z cannot boast of the best PR. A new generation of young people is settling into the labor market, and they are not doing it quietly. The work ethos does not apply to them, because "one does not live to work, but works to live". The desire to buy expensive equipment or branded clothes means that zoomers expect a quick profit. They make decisions just as quickly. If we combine both of these features, the financial market has a lot to offer Generation Z, and young people do not need much convincing. During the speech, I want to present investment trends of Generation Z in the form of cryptocurrencies and NFT. I will also address the issue of streaming platforms and play-to-earn games.
Marta Baraniak
University of Lodz
I have been working as an Assistant Professor at the University of Lodz. I have gained teaching skills, among others, at Ghent University as part of the Masters of Didactics project, and also in the Advanced Qualifications in Teaching course with trainers from the University of Groningen. During classes with students, I use modern teaching tools and methods, including gamification.
More info at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/martabaraniak/
Thursday, 23 May 2024 - 8:30
Performance Management in Global Companies
The lecture addresses modern issues in management control and performance measurement. The field of performance measurement has changed dramatically in recent years, as industry recognizes the importance of strategy and the need to coordinate strategy with organizational structure, management control systems, and managerial behaviour. The lecture is aimed to integrate strategy, finance, and accounting from a value-based management perspective. The focus of modern management accounting is on the enhancement of shareholder value. Additionally, the way corporate managers design, and utilize planning and management control systems to implement strategies are analysed. Techniques of the management control process are studied and behavioural considerations involved in the use of these techniques are discussed. The lecture also covers how the management accounting systems provides information on the value drivers of organizations, to assist in aligning the self-interests of management with long-term shareholder wealth.
Bartlomiej Nita
Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
He is the Head of Department of Accounting, Reporting and Financial Analysis at the Wroclaw University of Economics and Business. He specializes in accounting, corporate finance, performance management, controllership and auditing and financial reporting and analysis. He has cooperated for several years with a consulting firm, where he has delivered advisory services for various companies and institutions. He published more than 100 academic papers as well as several books and monographs.
More info at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bart%C5%82omiej-nita-6382775/
Thursday, 23 May 2024 - 9:30
The mystery of digits. From Fibonacci's sequence to financial figure manipulations.
The lecture will discuss the application of Benford's Law in social sciences - management, finance and accounting. Benford's law describes the distribution of digits in numbers that concern natural phenomena (recently the spread of COVID-19); this also applies to the Fibonacci sequence. Digit distributions other than those described in Benford's Law may indicate the possibility of manipulation. Anomalies can often be human-made, as shown by the example of financial data in financial statements. The lecture will present research results on using Benford's Law to assess tax avoidance and financial data quality in European countries.
Piotr Luty
Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Piotr Luty works in the Department of Accounting, Reporting and Financial Analysis. His research focuses on the use of Benford's law in social sciences. Piotr Luty is the coordinator of two projects financed by the International Visegrad Fund. Project topics include tax avoidance and tax fraud detection. The project partners were institutions from Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia and Ukraine.
Thursday, 23 May 2024 - 11:00
Modern techniques to influence consumers in the futuristic times of AI generated content
Never before has knowledge on communication techniques been so abundant about how to influence people to purchase certain goods and services. Now, with modern research possibilities (like Neuromarketing), we are also facing a lot of new ideas and on experiments proven theories may be useful. This is especially useful in the times of internet marketing and sales expansion, where algorithms analyse enormous quantities of consumer data and in the near future where AI user generated content will (especially when developed for generating video), be able to provide unique user marketing experience in real time.
Historically, theoretical models have moved from including solely rational components towards including emotional components - towards hierarchy free processing models.
Advantages, suggestions for future research and a critical discussion of using ACTION model will be presented in the short lecture. This can help participants to understand how to fit hundreds of techniques into a harmony. Interactive presentation will thus also include demonstration of several techniques used in modern advertising to influence consumers on the subconscious level.
Andrej Kovacic
DOBA Business School
Prof. Andrej Kovačič (1975) Ph.D., has worked internationally as a sales manager, ceo, or consultant in Slovenia, Germany, and the UK. He collaborates with the internationally recognized scientific journal Innovative Issues and Approaches in Social Sciences (www.iiass.com). He is an author of academic articles, an author of PRO-ACT (PRO-Active Communication Techniques). As a trainer, he does more than 350 hours of training a year. He is a professor, an active coach and philanthropist.
More info at: https://www.fakulteta.doba.si/o-fakulteti/kdo-smo/vodstvo-in-sodelavci/ucitelji-dodiplomskega-programa/andrej-kovacic; http://www.andrejkovacic.com/
Thursday, 23 May 2024 - 12:00
Business environment of the Slovak Republic - challenges and risks
The topic of the lecture is current and it is necessary to pay adequate attention to the given area, as a quality business environment is an important and necessary basis for the development of any country. The issue of the development of the business environment is relevant for all countries. Using the example of the Slovak Republic, I will point out the relevance and importance. Risks that threaten business development based on international comparison will be presented. The development and support of the business environment affects the overall development of the country and leads to an overall increase in competitiveness. Further analysis of this issue can contribute to new theoretical knowledge as well as practical improvements.
Based on an international comparison, each country can determine its position and look for ways to improve for the future.
Elena Širá
Faculty of Management and Business
I work at the Department of Economics and Economy as an assistant professor. My pedagogical activities include teaching of the following subjects: Business Economics, World Economy and International Economic Relations and also Economic Policy. I focused on several areas in my research activities, especially the competitiveness from sectoral and national point of view. At present, I actively link the knowledge in this field with the field of knowledge-based economy.
More info at: https://www.unipo.sk/en/faculty-of-management/departments/DEE-new/actuality/assistanttohead/sira/
Thursday, 23 May 2024 - 14:30
Current development tendencies in the world economy
The issue of the development tendencies of the world economy characterizing current events is very actual. Globalization supports the growth of the exchange of goods and services, information, the integration of economic, but also political, cultural and other activities. It is very closely connected with internationalization. The linking of individual economies, the mutual growth of activities contributes to the dynamics of business activity, to the development of business and to the growth of business entities. Mutual economic cooperation between countries results in economic interdependence. Some geographic areas of the world economy are converging and connecting faster than others, resulting in the development of regions and micro-regions. The acceleration of ongoing processes brings many advantages for business entities in terms of international business and cooperation, but on the other hand, the competitive struggle becomes more intense.
Mariana Dubravská
University of Prešov
I have been working as an assistant professor at the Department of Economics and Economy at the Faculty of Management and Business since September 2008. I have participated as a co-investigator in several successful scientific projects. I am an author and co-author of 76 scientific publications.. In my research and publication activities I deal with an issue of organization and business management in the context of globalization and integration tendencies.
More info at: https://www.unipo.sk/en/faculty-of-management/departments/DEE-new/actuality/lecturers/dubravska/
Thursday, 23 May 2024 - 15:30
Event Marketing - innovative methods of promoting services and products
Event marketing is a promotional strategy that involves face-to-face contact between companies and their customers at special events like concerts, fairs, and sporting events.
Brands use event marketing entertainment (like shows, contests, or parties) to reach consumers through direct hand-to-hand sampling or interactive displays. The practice works because it engages consumers while they’re in a willing, participatory position.
The aim of the presentation is to present examples of event marketing used by contemporary enterprises, craftsmen, theme villages of Eastern Poland, cities and regions. Proving that event marketing is an excellent tool for creating contemporary advertising and promoting rural tradition and culture.
Anna Mazurek-Kusiak
University of Social Sciences in Lublin
Anna Mazurek-Kusiak - hab. dr (economics and finance), prof. at the Depart. of Tourism and Recreation at the University of Life Sciences in Lublin. Research projects manager: “The thematic villages of Eastern Poland” and “An empiric model of tourist behavior on the travel agency market". She collaborated with Universities in Klaipeda, Tiranes, Shanghai, Eger, Samsun, Ostrawa. She has 20 years of experience as an academic lecturer. Author 150 scientific publications and scientific monographs.
More info at: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3786-8861